Friday, March 23, 2007

House Move
Yet again I am moving house!This time it is back to Gordon's Bay to share a flat with Rachel. It will be great to be by the sea again and we have discovered a particularly good ice cream parlour very near by... We move next Sunday - April 1st, no jokes about foolish plans please!

Kanga-Mom Course
I have just completed the Choices Course to enable me to become a relief Kanga -Mom; this means, after the relevant Social Service checks, I will be able to take babies waiting for adoption on a part time basis to help out full time carers. I'm hoping that after doing this for a while I will be able to make a way to be a full time Kanga-Mom for slightly older babies - 6 months and over. The move to a more permanent home will really help with this as I will need to collect equipment such as cot, car seat, clothes, bottles etc.

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